us 公司特點 |
we sell 經營 |
商機 |
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Chairman's words |
主席之言 |
Welcome to our Internet curtain shop,
with all the information we provided here, |
窗簾產品 種類品牌 繁多,百花齊放,百家爭鳴 我們致力提供給客戶更多的選擇,更便宜的價格,我深信與我們選購窗簾,對您來說會是一件賞心樂事。 |
Pan's Collection - www.curtainshop.com.hk |
- www.curtainshop.com.hk 二零零二年四月 中國 香港 |
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公司簡介 | ||
Established in 1993, we are the first curtain shop in Hong Kong which provides in-house one-stop service. This include bringing sample to site, on-site design and measurement. |
設計、銷售、度尺一站式服務的公司。 |
In 2002, we became the first curtain shop in Hong Kong to provide on-line sales of a full range of curtain products. |
2002年今天,我們亦成為全香港第一間 提供全面網上銷售全線窗簾產品的窗簾公司 |
Our aim is to make the best curtain product for you. We specialise in curtain and related soft furnishing products and we do not involve ourselves in other kinds of refubrishment services. |
我們專註於窗簾, 要將你的窗簾做得最好, 不涉足其他非窗簾或配套相關事務,如裝修,鋁窗等等... | |
Our computer data base contains window measurements of most of the large residential estate in Hong Kong. | 電腦資料庫, 集合全港大部份大型屋苑,
各樓宇窗戶呎吋資料 |
We dislike "hard sell" and we will not do it as we are customer ourselves too. | 我們不會hard-sell, 最討厭硬銷. | |
We provide detailed itemised quotes for you to consider and we welcome comparisons. | 報價資料全面, 歡迎比較格價. 清楚報價 , 布料用量, 選擇, 至低價, 至誠服務 | |
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公司特點 |
We bring samples to your home at your convenience, we
have |
提供上門服務 專人上門免費設計、度尺、報價, 提供布板到府上選擇,慳錢慳時間。 |
Our service cover the whole of
the Hong Kong SAR |
服務港九新界 | |
Our show room has more than 22,000
fabric patterns to choose from. We also have more than 2,000 swatches of
venetian blinds, vertical blinds, honeycomb shades... |
另設布板辦房 |
Lots of choices... |
提供更多選擇, 高檔次 --- 大路貨品(普遍人們採用) --- 特平價類別 豐儉隨意---切合你的需要 唯獨你會發現都比其他店舖便宜 |
行內良莠不齊......小心受騙, 如何避免, 選購窗簾需知...... |
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我們的使命及承諾 | ||||
For our customers: | more information more choices superior service unbeatable low prices |
顧客--- |
開拓新的...更有效率...更多資訊, 更多品牌, 更多選擇 更平價...銷售者, 銷費者...共同得益的 公平公開公正 雙嬴局面。 |
For our employees: | To provide our employees with opportunities for self-development in a challenging environment. | 員工--- | 在現今競爭激烈的環境下, |
For the local community: | To improve the field of window covering by setting up standards... | 社會--- | 提升香港窗飾服務業的水平,更公平, 更多元化, 更先進,發展國際銷售,繼續和其他國際城市同發光芒。 | |
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